What is Inflation? All you need to know



Inflation is a critical economic concept that affects the purchasing power of individuals and the overall stability of the economy.
It is essential to understand how inflation works and how the government plays a crucial role in controlling it.
Inflation can reduce your savings and affect the overall productivity in the country. And the worst thing about inflation is that it can decrease the purchasing power of people. So, your savings and investment returns can now buy less than before.
Today, we will explore the causes of inflation, the impact it has on individuals and the economy, and the government’s measures to ensure price stability.
By the end of this article, you will clearly understand what is inflation and the government’s role in controlling it.

What is Inflation?

Inflation can be defined as a constant rise in the cost of goods in a country. For example, the price of petroleum, grocery items, raw materials, and others increases.
Sometimes, inflation could be a great way to stimulate economic spending. But that’s not always the case.
Inflation can drastically affect people’s purchasing power if it gets out of control.
In such a situation, the government must step in to create a balance in the economy

What are the Causes of Inflation?

An increase in money supply is one of the major causes of inflation. And this can take place through various mechanisms in the economy.
Central banks have the authority to increase the money supply through methods like printing additional currency or implementing policies that result in the legal devaluation of the currency, thereby increasing the amount of money available to individuals.
Usually, it is done by purchasing government bonds from banks on the secondary market, allowing new money into existence as reserve account credits.
As a result, the supply of money increases, and the purchasing power decreases.
Furthermore, there could be three factors driving the inflation:

1. Demand-Pull Effect:

It occurs when a rise in the supply of money and credit lights a fire, which causes the country’s demand for goods and services to increase faster than the nation’s capacity.
This leads to an increase in the demand and the price of goods.
When individuals have a greater amount of money, they tend to exhibit a positive consumer mindset, leading to increased spending. Consequently, this surge in demand causes prices to rise.
As a result of the increased demand for goods and a limited supply, a gap between demand and supply is created.

2. Cost-Push Effect

This type of inflation occurs due to increased wages and the cost of raw materials, leading to a higher production cost and decreasing aggregate supply.
Since the demand remains unchanged, the increased production costs are passed onto the consumers, giving rise to the Cost-Push Effect.

3. Built-In Inflation:

Built-in inflation is caused when people believe that the current inflation rates will continue to rise in the future.
It is associated with adaptive expectations. As the cost of goods and services increases, workers require higher wages to meet daily living expenses.
Due to higher wages, the cost of production increases, which directly impacts product pricing.

What are the Effects of Inflation?

Inflation, when it gets out of control, can even destroy the whole economy of a nation. It leads to an unequal income distribution among individuals, affecting several sectors of the economy.
Below, I have listed some of the worst effects that inflation can have on our economy:

Affect Various Economic Groups:

If the rate of inflation is low, then it can be beneficial for job seekers.
This is because there will be an increase in demand, so that the employment rate will be higher.
But if the inflation rate is high, it can be disastrous for the economy, as our purchasing power will be reduced.

Government Spending

Due to inflation, the wages and price of goods rise. So, the government will have to spend more money to provide public facilities and construct roads, buildings, and other public structures.
To meet all these expenses, the government may increase the taxes. However, many people may not have the ability to pay higher taxes.

Savings and Investments:

If you were saving money for a special occasion or buying a new home or car, then you would never want inflation.
A high inflation rate will eventually reduce the value of your savings. So, you may be unable to make the most out of your savings.
Most people start investing in stocks and Real Estate during inflation. Also, it could be a favorable time for borrowers as the value of money they owe decreases.

What are the Ways to Control Inflation?

Governments play a crucial role in controlling inflation and maintaining price stability in the economy. They employ various measures to manage inflationary pressures and ensure a favorable economic environment for their citizens.
Let’s explore the different ways in which the government controls inflation.

Monetary Policy Measures

The Monetary Policy is a tool the government uses to control the circulation of money in the country.
This may include paper money, coins, and bank deposits held by several businesses and individuals.
This policy uses interest rates to regulate the amount of money in the country.
RBI also implements monetary policy measures to regulate the money supply and influence interest rates.
These measures include:
Interest Rate Adjustments: The central bank can increase interest rates to discourage borrowing and reduce spending, which helps curb inflation by reducing the demand for goods and services.
Open Market Operations: Central banks can buy or sell government securities to control the money supply. They inject money into the economy by purchasing securities while selling securities reduces the money supply.
Reserve Requirements: Central banks can adjust CRR & SLR based on reserve requirements.
CRR = Cash Reserve Ratio
SLR = Statutory Liquidity Ratio.
This determines the amount of money banks must keep as reserves. Increasing these ratios reduces the money available for lending, helping to control inflation.
If you see the below graph from IMF, the core inflation target of dfferent countries are avove central bank targets which is an alarming sign.

Fiscal Policy Measures

In addition to monetary policy, the government also utilizes fiscal policy to manage inflationary pressures.
In simple terms, fiscal policy is how the government manages its money—both what it spends and collects in taxes—to influence and stabilize the economy.
It’s like a toolbox of financial tools the government uses to achieve specific economic goals, such as controlling inflation, boosting economic growth, or reducing unemployment.
Here are some ways in which the government controls inflation through fiscal policy:
Taxation: The government may increase taxes on certain goods and services to reduce their demand and control inflation.
Higher taxes on luxury items, for example, can discourage spending and help curb inflation.
Subsidies: The government may provide subsidies on essential goods and services to make them more affordable for the general public which can help reduce the overall cost of living and mitigate inflationary pressures.
Public Spending: The government can control inflation by managing its own spending.
By carefully allocating funds and investing in infrastructure projects, the government can stimulate economic growth without fueling inflation.
Supply-side Measures
Besides monetary and fiscal policies, the government implements supply-side measures to address inflation.
These measures focus on increasing the supply of goods and services in the economy. Here are some examples:
Improving Infrastructure: By investing in infrastructure development, the government can enhance productivity and efficiency, increasing supply and reducing inflationary pressures.
Agricultural Reforms: As agriculture plays a significant role in the Indian economy, the government implements reforms to boost agricultural productivity.
This includes providing better irrigation facilities, access to credit, and promoting modern farming techniques.
Trade Policies: The government can regulate imports and exports to ensure a balance between domestic supply and demand.
By managing trade policies effectively, the government can prevent excessive reliance on imports and stabilize prices.
Case Studies: Government Actions to Control Inflation
Let’s explore some real-world examples of how governments have successfully managed inflation through various measures:
India’s Demonetization: In 2016, the Indian government demonetized high-value currency notes to curb black money and reduce inflationary pressures.This measure aimed to control the money supply and discourage illicit activities.
Brazil’s Inflation Targeting: The Brazilian government implemented an inflation targeting framework, where the central bank sets an inflation target and adjusts monetary policy accordingly. This approach has helped Brazil maintain price stability and control inflation.
China’s Supply-side Reforms: The Chinese government has implemented supply-side reforms to address overcapacity and reduce inflationary pressures. These reforms focus on reducing excess production capacity and promoting innovation and efficiency.
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Impact on Individuals and the Economy

Inflation has a significant impact on both individuals and the overall economy. Let’s explore how it affects each.
Purchasing Power: Inflation gradually diminishes the value of your money when it comes to making purchases, which means that as prices rise, your money can buy fewer goods and services.
This can affect their standard of living and ability to afford essential items.
Diminished Savings: When inflation is higher than the interest earned on your savings accounts, the real value of your savings decreases over time.
Investment Challenges: Inflation can make it challenging to find investments that provide returns exceeding the inflation rate, potentially impacting long-term financial goals.
Business Environment: High inflation can introduce uncertainty into the business landscape, complicating long-term planning.
Moreover, it may result in increased production expenses, subsequently impacting profitability and competitiveness.
Income Redistribution: Inflation can impact different groups of people differently.
Those with fixed incomes, such as retirees, may struggle to keep up with rising prices. In contrast, individuals with variable incomes may be able to adjust their earnings to match inflation.


Inflation can become disastrous for a nation’s economy. It can drastically affect government policies and investments, along with the people’s purchasing power. Still, it can be controlled to ensure a stable and prosperous economy.
The government’s role in managing inflation through monetary, fiscal, and supply-side measures is crucial for maintaining price stability and promoting economic growth.
By understanding how inflation works and its impact on individuals and the economy, we can make informed financial decisions and navigate the ever-changing economic landscape more effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can the government completely eliminate inflation?
While the government can take measures to control inflation, completely eliminating it is challenging. Inflation is influenced by various factors, including global economic conditions and supply and demand dynamics.
How does inflation affect interest rates?
Inflation can influence interest rates. Central banks may increase interest rates when inflation is high to curb borrowing and reduce spending. Due to higher interest rates, the loans will be more expensive, and this way, it can help control inflation.
Does controlling inflation always have positive effects?
While controlling inflation is generally desirable, excessively low inflation or deflation can also have negative consequences. It can lead to reduced consumer spending, lower business profits, and hinder economic growth.
How does inflation impact the cost of living?
Inflation can increase the cost of living as prices for goods and services rise, which means that individuals may need to spend more money to maintain their standard of living.
Can inflation be beneficial for the economy?
Mild inflation can be beneficial for the economy as it encourages spending and investment. It also allows for wage increases and can help reduce the debt burden.
How can individuals protect themselves from the effects of inflation?
Individuals can protect themselves from the effects of inflation by investing in assets that tend to outpace inflation, such as stocks, real estate, and commodities.
Diversifying investments and considering inflation-protected securities can also be beneficial.
So, in this article you have learned what is inflation and how Government can control itusing different measures.
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